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🎨 Advanced UI overrides

Now that we saw the basic configuration of the widget, let's move on to the UI.

For the UI customization you have two options:

High level commands​

An array of high level commands is already available to customize your UI.

Advanced overrides​

If you want to take the time to truly make the widget your own, every single UI component can inherit CSS specs to reach fine-grained customization.

High level commands​

Let's start with the high level commands.


The code from the last step of Basic settings will be carried over in this example.

Let's begin here. 👇

As you can see at the top, you can customize your UI with just a few commands.

Find even more commands in our storybook.

Advanced overrides: Build a PET-themed widget​

If you want to go more fine grained you can use the overrides. Here, we have built a pet-themed widget. 👇

To learn more about all the possible customization entries, head to our overrides chapter in the storybook.

Token Information, Routing and Price Comparison​

You can enable the Token Info Card, Routing Card and Price Comparison Card by setting showTokenInfoCard: true, showSwapRouteCard: true and showPriceComparisonCard: true. By default they are all disabled.